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How Erika’s Insurance Services Uncovered 114 New Quote Requests

How Erika’s Insurance Services Uncovered 114 New Quote Requests

Over 15 years of agency experience, Erika’s Insurance Services accumulated nearly 1,000 canceled customers. They knew there were worthwhile prospects to win back in that list, but didn’t know how to uncover them. It’s a grind to cold call that many people.

View the case study below to see how Erika’s Insurance Services was able to:

  • Engage with Cancelled Customers up to 25 Times Each
  • Uncover Quote Requests

Over 15 years of agency experience, Erika’s Insurance Services accumulated nearly 1,000 canceled customers. They knew there were worthwhile prospects to win back in that list, but didn’t know how to uncover them. It’s a grind to cold call that many people.

View the case study below to see how Erika’s Insurance Services was able to:

  • Engage with Cancelled Customers to Warm Up Cold Prospects
  • Uncover Quote Requests