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Google Maps Optimization is one of the most important parts of increasing your business’s online visibility. Picture the internet as a maze. It can seem impossible to navigate with hundreds of different paths. The goal of Google Maps Optimization is to alter or arrange a clear path through the “maze” straight to your website.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Improve your online visibility.

92% of searches for your product or service happen via Google, Yahoo, or Bing. These search engines determine your business’s position based on how relevant, prominent and well-known you are online. Click here to start a free visibility report for your business.

Step 2: Achieve relevance and prominence.

It is important that your business listings are detailed and accurate throughout the web. The more information you provide, the better. Make sure your business hours, address, phone number, business description and photos are all accurate and complete.

Step 3: Provide consistent directory submissions.

After identifying the most relevant directories in your industry, you should create listings for your business.

At Lift Local, we help your business receive more online traffic by directing any potential customers straight to you. We’ll take care of all the time consuming work and monitor your information across hundreds of directories. All that’s left for you to do is sit back and wait for those calls to start coming in. Fill out the form to the right with any questions!